The human psyche is a dynamic and expansive force, which makes for great variation in the possibilities for healing and change. Traditional talk therapy is helpful to uncover and identify many problems and solutions, and often times this is sufficient to reach the clients goals. There are more experiential techniques which are often used with the talk therapy to address psychological or emotional distress, promote healing, and provide effective tools to manage ones behavior. Integrating varied techniques also allows the persons intuitive strengths to emerge and lead the process towards personal growth. Children and adolescents especially appreciate this interactive and non-threatening approach to counseling. It helps them feel comfortable and less scrutinized. It is very natural and safe for youngsters to play, so they are more able to face struggles and deal with conflicts when they are not put on the spot and expected to “talk about it”.
Feel free to ask about any of the therapies and techniques, to simply learn more or perhaps to try them out during your counseling. They are all very well-researched and proven to be effective modes of psychotherapy. The following list shows what services are available. However, the client, the parents (when the client is a child) and the therapist will together decide what is most effective for each case. Nothing will ever be used unless the client is ready and willing and the therapist deems it appropriate.
- Play Therapy including Art Therapy techniques and Storytelling exercises
- Cognitive Behavioral Strategies
- Self-Assessment Questionnaires
- Psychoeducation
- Sandtray Therapy
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desentization and Reprocessing)
- Mindfulness Practices
- Relaxation and Stress Reduction Exercises
- Guided Visualization
- Somatic Awareness